Cats with an all-ticked pattern almost shimmer in the sunlight because of the color variation. If you want to adopt one, a Maine Coon Tabby Mix might just be the furry companion for you. If you look closely, you'll see different bands of color down the length of the cat's hairs. Aside from the unconditional love they give, having pets is believed to reduce stress and loneliness. Agouti (Ticked): Most tabby cats will have agouti hairs as part of their pattern.Spotted: The Ocicat and the American bobtail are good examples of spotted tabby patterns, although some moggies will also demonstrate this color pattern.They will have a darker color in spots running in two lines across their tummies (called "vest buttons").

Blotched tabbies seem to have a marble-patterned coat, sometimes called the mackerel pattern. Dietary interventions in cats have long played a role. Spotted tabbies have dark spots all over. grey striped cat looking at the camera with blue gradient background.

Mackerel tabbies have striped rings around their tail and legs, a "necklace" of stripes on the front of their chests, and bands of solid or broken stripes running down the sides of their bodies. Video of the Day Striped tabbies have vertical stripes down their bodies.